
The Secret Ballot – Anti-Corruption Bill

This change in the rules of all government organizations is proposed to significantly reduce the opportunities for individuals, organizations, special interest groups, elected officials and appointed parties to corrupt the decision process of a representative democracy.

Proposed Rule Change:
All decisions in all government organizations that are decided by a vote of elected or appointed parties shall be by Secret Ballot only.

It is broadly understood and proven by many historical events that secret balloting at public elections protects voters from coercion, allowing them to vote their conscience on the issue at hand.
It also prevents numerous forms of corruption that include:

1. Wealthy individuals and organizations buying votes to control the outcome of the election.
2. Wealthy individuals and organizations funding campaigns to control the outcome of the election.
3. Unethical voters selling votes for personal gain.
4. Special interest groups coercing or intimidating voters to control the outcome of the election.

The legal requirement that all public elections be held by secret ballot and closely monitored has assured that voters are protected from coercion and limits their ability to sell their vote since no vote by any individual can be verified.

Initiating this same principle at all levels of all government organizations will also protect elected and appointed individuals from coercion, allowing them to vote their conscience on the issue at hand.
It will prevent numerous forms of corruption that include:

  1. Wealthy individuals and organizations coercing these individuals to vote for legislation that advances their special interests.  This is often in the form of campaign contributions, pledging votes or offering bribes.
  2. Political parties coercing these individuals to vote for legislation that advances their special interests. This is often in the form of threatening loss of job or offering powerful positions within the government.  The party “Whip” is tasked to enforce compliance.
  3. Unethical elected or appointed officials selling their vote for personal gain.  Political scandals, payoffs, etc. are almost a daily occurrence in today’s political world.

The Opposing Argument:
The main opposition to this proposal is put forth by those that believe Transparency in Government is a solution to corrupt practices. The global adoption of transparency rules, that was initiated around 1970, has clearly not cleaned up corruption in government.
In fact, the transparency rules, that force open and recorded balloting, are the primary reason that corruption continues and the concentration of power by the wealthy, powerful elite is growing.
These powerful special interest groups can now be positive they are getting what they pay for.

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